Conventional precision machining and re machined different types of pieces

Our specialty: Conventional precision machining, as with manufacturing, conception, maintenance, modification, and renovated like a new piece, different mechanic industrial pieces and commercial. For all your projects small or big give us a call with your different pieces of machinery and with every type of material such as aluminum, brass, stainless steel, plastic, or rubber.

Sharpening of shear blades

We offer a unique service in the Eastern Township such as the sharpening of shear blades, that is with different types of shear blades up to 16 feet.

Consultation services: Analyses and diagnose of all your problems

For all types of problems with industrial machinery, we offer you our service for consultation, we go directly in the work place we analyze and diagnose all of your problems. We put our expertise at your service for giving you our practical solutions to your technical problems. For several years now, a lot of our clients believe in us for our expertise.

More than 40 years of experience !

For more than 40 years, Les Entreprises Gré-Mar offers services in manufacturing, conception, maintenance, modification and completely new renovated pieces of different types of machinery, such as conventional precision machining, re machined all types of pieces, sharpening all of your SHEAR BLADES up to 16 feet, and also we do consultation either by diagnoses and analyzing different problems that our client may encounter.